Wednesday, March 28, 2007


We've never seen Sony Ericsson's flagship W880 as close as this, and I think these photos finally show off the finer points that make this phone special. By specs, it's not tops: Its 9.4mm body can't touch the Samsung Ultra 5.9. The 1.8-inch screen is sharp, but not quite big enough to feel stunning, and its 2.0 MP camera is overshadowed by the SonyK800's 3.2MP.
So, what do you get for all that compromise? For starters, the phone's got that Sony Ericsson OS

I love so much. But really, this phone is all about design. A smaller body, measured by width and length, which stands to be as pocketable as the Samsung Upstage. (they both remind me of the gen-1 iPod Nano in proportion.) Now that I've spent time with the W880, I'm not sure if I like the W580 or this one more
source gizmodo

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